Aspect patterns in Prince’s chart part 3; the kite

Last week and the week before I wrote about the Finger of the World and then the yods in Prince’s chart, so to finish up this mini-series I thought I’d better include some nice friendly blue aspects. The trines and sextiles in our charts show connections of harmony and ease, a happy comfort zone where little effort is required and all flows naturally. Of course, that might mean that we take them for granted or even get complacent. Luckily, a kite pattern has just a little tension to keep us on our toes…

So here is the kite in Prince’s chart - three trine aspects making a grand trine between the Sun, Jupiter and Chiron. Then there’s a minor grand trine, two sextiles going out to Saturn. The Sun and Saturn are in opposition, and that red line through the centre is the tension which drives the creative energy of all those blue trines and sextiles to actually manifest something. Even better that the focal point of the kite is Saturn, the arch-manifestor. That red line through the centre is the arrow, shot from the bow of the grand trine, reaching out into the world to become a real boy, to become as real as possible.

So let’s track back and have a look in a little more detail. The central grand trine is in the air signs - strong powers of communication, an innate ability for forming connections. Jupiter wants those connections to be meaningful. Chiron might feel a little vulnerable about speaking out, perhaps because of some past experience of being silenced. That experience might even be ancestral, with Chiron in the 4th. And the Sun in Gemini, shining with ideas and skill. There is the virtuoso, the prolific writer, expressing himself in words and also in music, forming alliances, supporting others, exchanging ideas. The different styles of songs, of music, even of dress. The many different instruments played, the endless ideas. I wonder if he just didn’t realise that not everyone had as many ideas as he did, not everyone was so compelled to bring them into reality. Because that’s what the Sun opposite Saturn does - Saturn brings the discipline, the hard work, the thousand hours which transform the innate talents of the trines into worldly success. The Sun in Gemini takes care of the detail, gets it just right. And Saturn in Sagittarius, the point of the arrow, sees the bigger picture, knows when the time is right - and fires.


The journey of astrology


Aspect Patterns in Prince’s chart part 2; a pair of yods